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HTO (Hustlas Take'n Ova) Is The Motto And RIO RIVAS Is The Man Behind It


Updated: Jul 8, 2021

Rio Rivas is a name you will most definitely become familiar with if you do not know the name already. He is considered to be a rising star among his fans and his peers. His music holds no bounds but is categorized in the Trap music genre. His raw sound and delivery make him stand out on any song you find him to be on, from his features to his solo projects. But even on his solo projects, he's not alone. Rio is followed with his family HTO (Hustlas Take'n Ova).

Rio Rivas is a Las Vegas (NV) native. He puts his heart and soul into making Las Vegas known for more than the bright lights you see on the Las Vegas strip. Rio has a story to tell and this story is not told through any factious lyrics. On any given day you can find Rio living out his music and representing his family HTO. As a proud and dedicated father, family means everything to him with HTO being no exception. He has taken the meaning of HTO from a local idea to now an internationally known way of life. Where anyone, no matter what they may claim, can relate that "HUSTLAS (are) TAKE'N OVA!

Rio decided to take his music career more seriously after beating an attempted murder charge. His music has been featured on WORLDSTAR HIP HOP with almost 500,000 views and also has had his music featured on NO JUMPER. Rio's most recent video entitled "Can't Feel My Face" is filled with what you look forward to when you're looking for a great visual followed with real lyrics.

" I got this (money) out the mud. It didn't come from what I did occasionally, but what I did consistently"

- Rio Rivas

You can follow Rio Rivas

Written by: H. Wadud

a.k.a @drmuybueno on all social media


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